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Saved by His Lady


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The song "Saved by His Lady (two)" on the album was nominated for Best Vocal Performance by the New Mexico Music Awards. 


These enchanting otherworldly Scandinavian/Celtic ballads tell the story of a knight in not so shining armor who is tricked by his uncle to accept the gift of a horse. However, this horse turns out to be stolen from the king’s stable. Soon the young rider is caught and put in the tower. Luckily, his very resourceful lady comes to his rescue.

Saved by His Lady.jpg

Produced by: John Wall, Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee 

©2019 Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee.

All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.


Johanna Hongell-Darsee: Concept, Music, Lyrics, Vocals, Flute, Kraviklyra, Wooden flute

Scott Darsee: Music, Acoustic and Electric Guitars

Christopher A. Carlson: Five String Electric Violin 

Recorded at Wall of Sound Studio

Engineered and Mixed by: John Wall

Mastering: Jason Blum at Sigil Media, Burbank, CA

Cover Concept and Photo: Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee

The Mountain King


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The song "A Note in the Woods" on the album was nominated for Best Vocal Performance by the New Mexico Music Awards


We present for you ballads chosen from our live production of The Mountain King. These songs tell the story of a Mythical Being of Scandinavian Legend who allures a certain young woman into his underworld, a story that parallels the Greek Myth of Persephone. We have adapted, edited, translated, and arranged these traditional melodies and lyrics in our own unique way. We hope you enjoy this presentation!

Mountain King Prelude written by Scott C. Darsee

Original Norwegian melodies from Norske middelalderballader. Melodier. Astrid Nora Ressem (red.), Norsk folkeminnelags skrifter nr. 165. 2011

Original Norwegian Lyrics from Norske Folkeviser Magnus Brostrup Landstad 1853

Original Swedish Lyrics and Melodies from Finland from Finlands svenska folkdiktning, Swedish Literature Society of Finland 1934

Original Finnish Lyrics and Melody from Finnish Literature Society (Kalevala)

Original English melodies from The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads, Bertrand Harris Bronson, Lomis House Press

Original English lyrics from The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Francis James Child 1882-98

Bara Framsidan.jpg

Produced by: John Wall, Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee ©2016 Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee.​

Johanna Hongell-Darsee: Concept, Research, Adaptation and Translations Vocals, Flute, Sälgflöjt, Månmarkspipa, Jouhikko, Salangai, Musical Arrangements

Scott Darsee: Acoustic and Electric Guitars, Bass, Weissenborn, Musical Arrangements

Christopher A. Carlson: Violin and Octave Violin on Note in the Woods, Tilili

Larry Otis: Bass on Tilili

John Wall: Vocals on Time Feels So Long

Recorded at Wall of Sound Studio

Engineered and Mixed by: John Wall

Mastering: Jason Blum at Sigil Media, Burbank, CA

Cover Concept and Photo: Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee

Graphic Art: Bambi Wolf

The Wandering Ballad


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The song "Systrarna" on the album was nominated for Best Vocal Performance by New Mexico Music Awards


We hope you enjoy this collection of traditional and medieval ballads from Sweden, Finland, the British Isles, France, and the U.S.A. Some of these texts have survived from at least medieval times in oral tradition before they were eventually noted down.


They all share themes that have traveled cultures, continents and centuries. We respectfully present them to you with our own modern arrangements:


Sweet William, Earl Brand, King Vallemo and Wake Up tell the legend of a mythical couple who run away to fulfill their love.

Binnoorie and Systrarna are examples of the ghost story also known in English versions as “The Cruel Sister.”

Fair Annie, Skön Anna and Les Tristes Noces relate a narrative also found in the form of a lay by medieval author Marie de France [12C]. 

Scott and Johanna  Hongell-Darsee The Wa

Produced by: John Wall, Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee ©® 2014 Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee.

Johanna Hongell-Darsee: Musical Arrangements, Concept, Research and Translations (Swedish/Old English) Vocals, Flute, Clarinet, Härjedalspipa

Scott Darsee: Musical Arrangements, Acoustic and Electric Guitars, Bass

Christopher A. Carlson: Violin, Octave Violin, Tracks 2, 4, 10

Sharon Berman: Recorders, Track 1

Juan Wijngaard: Hurdy Gurdy, Track

Recorded at: Wall of Sound Studio by John Wall, Albuquerque, NM

Engineered and mixed by: John Wall (August 2012 to October 2013)

Mastering by: Jason Blum at Sigil Media, Burbank, CA

Cover concept and photo: Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee

Graphic Art: Craig Berry

Finnish Swedish songs are used with the permission of Swedish Literature Society of Finland

The Island Furthest Away


A collection of Medieval Ballads from Scandinavia. 

(No longer available)

Produced by: Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee ©® 2007 Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee.

Johanna Hongell-Darsee: Musical Arrangements, Concept, Research and Translations (Swedish) Vocals, Flute

Scott Darsee: Musical Arrangements, Acoustic and Electric Guitars

Cover concept and photo: Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee

Finnish Swedish songs are used with the permission of Swedish Literature Society of Finland

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Wearing the Green: A St. Patrick's Day Documentary - Original Soundtrack Recording

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